LabPet wrote:
Yes, the 'words' seem to require definition/clarification by those unfamiliar (that is, most everyone). Have any of you heard Aspergers pronounced differently? By this I mean, some I know (even in medical profession) pronounce it the Austrian way: aus-ber-jerz - with a soft 'j' and 'z' sound. Very avant garde, yes?
I DEFININTELY want, and deserve, and better name for meltdown. In fact, I demand it. Meltdown, the word, sounds like a sandwich, like a tunamelt. Or a pattymelt. Meltdown sounds like when the Wicket Witch gets doused with water. Often NTs will speak of a 'meltdown' like a bad temper tantrum or just really stressed - which has NOTHING to do with a true autistic meltdown. So, when I say, 'meltdown' any given NT has no clue what that means! Much too colloquial (sp?). I want a clinical name for this autistic phenomena! I feel silly saying, "I had a meltdown." Let's find something.......1) with true meaning 2) classier.
I'm feeling melty now......
Good Point. I would like a meltdown with that fries and shake. Lets all go get a meltdown and side salad.
I think a meltdown is simple just someone becoming overwhelmed by their environment. Their brain cannot process all the information because of TMI.
Idaho Aspie