Getting a proper diagnosis in Melbourne

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06 Dec 2007, 1:20 am

Hello everyone,

Does anybody know where to go or who I might see in Melbourne to find out if I have AS or whatever?

I'm not sure if I want to officially know yet. I'm 22yo, and I'm kind of happy thinking that AS is why I am the way I am. I had always thought that I was a byproduct of my upbringing, being isolated on a farm and my parents not allowing me the access to social situations at an early age, hence my poor social skills at present and my very independent mindset. But apparently I used to spend alot of time with my cousins when little, but I don't remember this much. Another point is I'm rather different to my brother and sister, who knows? Maybe a psychologist.


Blue Jay
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06 Dec 2007, 5:39 am

Hi there Matt!

I'm from Melbourne! I'm a mum to a 6 year old who has been diagnosed with AS. We saw a psychologist in Glen Iris who works a lot with AS people. His name is Richard Eisenmajer and he's very nice and friendly. You can do a google search and find the phone number and email address. He's also quite good at answering email inquiries. (You can claim psyche visits on medicare now!).

Hope this helps,


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06 Dec 2007, 6:32 am

Make sure it's someone who specializes in something similar to autism. I've been seeing a psychologist for 2 years who I found out specailizes in couples therapy, oh the irony...told me he didn't see any problem with my social interaction when he opened up his manual to the AS page. LOL, yeah by 21 my social interaction skills have improved substantially and 1 on 1 conversations have almost always been easy for me. Especially when I'm doing most of the talking, hahaha...get into "professor mode."

My advice, make the drive to a bigger'll be worth it.



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06 Dec 2007, 7:47 am

try; There's a clinic in Brisbane, I'm sure they'll know somewhere closer

"No matter what the facts are, only the Truth matters"


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07 Dec 2007, 6:49 pm

Thanks everyone.

I have emailed Richard Eisenmajer. I might go and see him, but I'm still skeptical that it will help me.

Blue Jay
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07 Dec 2007, 7:25 pm

gooftroop wrote:
Thanks everyone.

I have emailed Richard Eisenmajer. I might go and see him, but I'm still skeptical that it will help me.

I have recently been diagnosed, it has been of great help (after a couple of weeks of post-diagnosis denial), not because the psychologist had a ‘cure’, but the diagnosis helped explain 50 years of confusion and it has given a logical reference point with which to move forward.

The diagnosis was not something I sought, it happened as a consequence of being referred to a psychologist after I had been exhibiting severe anxiety symptoms for over six months.

Locate a copy of Tony Attwood’s book The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome – it is a very readable book and amongst other things he provides some very useful strategies.

A diagnosis certainly is not a guarantee that it will provide the help you feel you need – but at least you know what the problem is (or is not).


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07 Dec 2007, 7:43 pm


I too recommend Richard Eisenmajer he is really great at his job and well versed on AS. I too was 22 when I got diagnosed and for me it was a shock and a relief all at once at least now my family and people I associate with know why I am how I am. It also accounts for my difficulties and is helping me to get my Ps as I can go through on OT instead of Vicroads.


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17 Dec 2007, 11:18 pm

I was diagnosed at Glen Iris Psychology by Sally Rigley, who is a colleague of Richard Eisenmajer's. I recommend diagnosis, if only for your peace of mind. Having confirmation of the reasons behind your various strengths and weaknesses can help you to take advantage of or work around them.


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18 Dec 2007, 2:04 am

Ozzy wrote:
My advice, make the drive to a bigger'll be worth it.


I think he's from Melbourne Australia, not Melbourne Florida.

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.