gooftroop wrote:
Thanks everyone.
I have emailed Richard Eisenmajer. I might go and see him, but I'm still skeptical that it will help me.
I have recently been diagnosed, it has been of great help (after a couple of weeks of post-diagnosis denial), not because the psychologist had a ‘cure’, but the diagnosis helped explain 50 years of confusion and it has given a logical reference point with which to move forward.
The diagnosis was not something I sought, it happened as a consequence of being referred to a psychologist after I had been exhibiting severe anxiety symptoms for over six months.
Locate a copy of Tony Attwood’s book The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome – it is a very readable book and amongst other things he provides some very useful strategies.
A diagnosis certainly is not a guarantee that it will provide the help you feel you need – but at least you know what the problem is (or is not).