gbollard wrote:
it depends a lot on the sorts of books that would be read.
For example if you said we're all gonna read The Silmarillion
Perhaps you could pick books that are available for reading online as well. That way, people who couldn't get the book from a library or didn't have money to buy a copy etc could still participate.
Maybe start with short stories and see where it goes from there.
Good Points!
I though about some of them. I don't think I can come up with a book club that would 100% accessable to everyone. But I certainly want everyone to be able to participate that wants to the greatest extent possible.
Each idea has +s and -s. Books online increase flexability for access, but decrease readibility. Not all people can read books online. It also requires them to have access to the internet when every they also have time to read. New books ensure that everyone hasen't read it, but they are more expensive. Cheaper books are more accessable, but often are either older and outdated, just two years can make a difference in understanting of Aspergers. And short stories are easier for people to get around to reading. But that also gives very little time before people are giving away the whole story in a week.
I figure I will try to get books that about $20. $20 a month is something even I can afford. You have to consider that 66 cents a day, is very little in cost when you compare it how much you send on junk food, videos, and cable, and which is more important, junk food or your mental health?
Also, consider the alternatives to the cost of a book and online discussing with others. There really are no other cost/benefiets that are better. A psychologist is gonna charge $100-$200 for an hour. You could read a book by yourself. However, you will not get the support and interpretation of that book of other people.
Also, if $20 is such a burden to someone, and they cannot get one loaned to them, and they cannot split the cost with a partner, they can always just keep the reciept and when done with the book donate the book to the local library or school and write it off their taxes as a donation.. . effectively costing them nothing.
Idaho Aspie,