Roman wrote:
The problem, though, is that in the abbreviation for AIDS they didn't insert that it is serious or deadly. All they said was that it is immunity deficit. Well, if I read it AS IT SAYS, without inserting any of my prior knowledge into it, the immune deficit doesn't sound that bad.
What were they supposed to call it, "Deadly, Evil, You'-re-Going-to-Die Immunodeficiency Syndrome?" They named it AIDS, and that refers to a specific condition. Just as having a "cold" is a specific condition. If you're a bit chilly because it's 25 degrees outside, you don't say, "I'm cold, therefore I have a cold. They called it a cold, right, therefore I can look at the name and make up my own definitions for what a cold is." Your argument makes no sense. You don't get to make up your own definitions for what a disease is based on the name. Well, you can, but you're wrong. Another example would be saying, "Clearly this one month old baby has alexia because he can't read." Technically the word "alexia" means "inability to read," but the actual condition refers to damage to the brain which renders someone unable to read.