I control everything, not so much out in public, I have learned since childhood ended that controling people does not work (and I controled my friends like you could not beleive, totally had to be incharge and be right all the time). Now I control everything where I live, I am way more relaxed around people, but i absoltutly cannot live with anybody, I must live alone, I tryed the roommate thing and could not do it, so I moved out and got my own place where I control everything, its perfect now and I feel finally I have found a way to control everything and still not come off as a control freak towards people cause I control everything in my life except the people in it, and it works just fine now.
I just wish I coulda told myself not to always have to be the boss as a kid... well... a part of growing up aspie I suppose.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.