If a person, no matter age, is refused help to get better and instead, is left alone entirely, I think whatever the cause is is harmful then.
I know for a fact that some parents call their children Indigo, but they have tried everything to aid them in their development (all the kids have a condition). They just look at the child they have and try to do help their children achieve the best.
However, I do not doubt that some other parents may do it differently. Some may call their children Indigos in order to avoid being confronted with the condition and the challenges their child has.
What I find to be stupid is that I know some parents mentioned their child's doctor said the child may have Asperger's.
And then the parents/other people who believe in Indigos say, no, the child can never be AS, because the child is way too loving, warm and friendly. (=they think people on the spectrum is cold and incapable of showing love?)
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett