Danielismyname wrote:
ProtossX wrote:
Like staying at home more etc....not going out to parties on weekends
stop going to friends houses as much
That's how most of us are.
Ohh ya, I am 25 in just in the past 2 years have changed alot, I used to go out to bars and parties, but find I would rather be chillin at home. I do go out, in fact this weekend I may attend a small gathering for a UFC event, i usually get invited and planned around that basicly this weekend, but you wont see me in a bar or huge party anymore, I am done with all that now, and look forward to doing other things in life now that those days are over.
Also, we are adults, not in school anymore, no more interaction as far as that environment goes, work is another story but you usually dont make the kind of friends and hang out in the kind of groups that were more prevelant in school life, we are adults, and typically have to support ourselfs, familys and whatever else. On the weekends many people I know go out and party, I recently would rather chill on WP, remain sober (i used to drink alot at bars and partys to loosen up, numb my brain and fit in, NEVER AGAIN!! !) or go for a hike, but its always good to get out every now and then and remain in some social circles, remember, once those social connections are gone, its unlikly you will ever have others again in life, so I always try to remain close to a few collage and high school friends, even tho things change in life, its always good to try and get out their every now and then.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.