IdahoAspie wrote:
I personally think that the number of boys and girls with Asperger's is the same. I just believe that in boys it is more disruptive and noticable. Boys tend to more aggressive and so the traits get more attention from educators.
Also, Autism tends to magnify male traits. A woman acting more male is OK and considered acceptable in today's society. A male acting more male is further out of the normal behavior spectrum of behavior and sticks out more.
Am I alone in this belief?
Idaho Aspie
Am disagree with the common stereotype that girls with aspergers are the quiet,less obviously AS ones,and boy aspies are obvious AS and disruptive,as not all girls/boys have it the same way.
Am had to move from previous residential home,due to the extremely disruptive and weakness attacking nature of an aspie lady there,apparently she was worse when she was younger as well.
unless it specifically asked for only aspies,it's not a good show[? can't think of a better word] of males vs females with AS,as not all WPers have aspergers [eg,ADHD,on the spectrum but not diagnoseable, NT, Kanner/classic autism,PDDNOS,not sure what label it is....].
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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