mikibacsi1124 wrote:
I know this is a joke, but I hate labels like "teenybopper". I think people are too quick to jump to the conclusion that someone is a poser just because they have similar tastes to other people their age. I think these people are just finding themselves. It's all a part of growing up.
Yeah people take it too far. Just because for example, I like Linkin Park's music, apparently I'm just as dumb as the idiots who listen to it because it's fed to them.
I don't have a problem with punishing teenyboppers as long as you get your facts right and don't wrongly accuse people. Under that circumstance, teenyboppers can be treated in whatever way you like. Who's a teenybopper isn't defined by what taste in things you have, but why you have them. A lot of the trends are started by normal people who at the time were being themselves, often the kids the teenyboppers today beat up.
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