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28 Dec 2007, 12:14 am

I'm all grown up six foot tall and weigh 200 pounds. I even studied Karate for a couple of years.Yeah Im finally ready for discussion.

Sick of listening to some Alfa Male tell you off in front of others? Punch him.

Don't shoot him or stab him. Just simply bust the jerk in the nose.

Wouldn't that be easier than sitting in therapy week after week trying to figure out how to talk to a world that doesnt want to listen?

Woulnt suffering a black eye be less painful than obsessing about your conversation for the rest of the night?

Isnt this the quickest route from a to b. Isnt it effective communication?

I do not say this in anger rather than in frustration. Im not angry just frustrated. Dont we start using sign language with people who dont understand English anyway. Think of this as an extreme sort.

:)Yes I'm joking. I'm totally non violent. . . .but it kinda makes sense . . . .


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28 Dec 2007, 1:13 am

Usually, I'd avoid physical attack, mostly because you could be arrested for assualt. Though, it is sometimes warranted. In my last week of my senior year of high school, I kicked a kid because he pushed me and made me spill a drink. He punched me a couple times in the face, giving me a cut lip. I got suspened for a day (I got to sleep in :D ). He got suspended for two days and was arrested. Plus, everyone was on my side. All in all, it was worth getting suspended and a little hurt.

BTW, I agree that the physical pain is not that bad.


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28 Dec 2007, 1:33 am

IpsoRandomo wrote:
BTW, I agree that the physical pain is not that bad.

Agreed. When my parents substituted spankings with lectures at age 5, I actually asked to just be spanked again because 5 second of a stinging ass practically felt good compared to 15+ minutes of talking.

I intentionally bumped a kid in high school who retaliated with a punch that got him suspended. I might have hit him back and gotten worse punishment if I had an NT's coordination.

Actually, if I was coordinated enough, I probably would have gotten expelled at least every 2 years. There were just so many jerks and morons that didn't deserve to be dealt with in any other way that I would have beaten the crap out of at least 10% of the guys in school at any given time. I just assumed most kids were bottling up just as much anger, and in college, most of my friends agreed that we'd occasionally fantasized about "going Columbine on their asses". However, when I described my actual high school environment to them, they said it sounded like paradise. So, maybe I'm just a rageaholic.

Is that kind of anger and hostility a common trait among aspie guys? I know it's not a direct symptom, but it can be a rather standard result of frustration at being unable to have meaningful human interaction, right?

No one in the world ever gets what they want,
and that is beautiful.
Everybody dies frustrated and sad,
and that is beautiful.



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28 Dec 2007, 2:12 am

Dunwich wrote:
Is that kind of anger and hostility a common trait among aspie guys? I know it's not a direct symptom, but it can be a rather standard result of frustration at being unable to have meaningful human interaction, right?

Perhaps so. I remember that I would get so angry, that I literally wanted to kill someone, not that I would actually do such a thing. I think it may have been because I didn't know how to handle the situation, and just trying to understand the social drama was so overwhelming. I couldn't process all the information, nor did I know how to begin doing so.

Now days, if family members ever try to drag me into a socially overwhelming situation, I refuse to deal with it, telling them that I DON'T KNOW how to handle the situation because I honestly don't know what else to do.


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28 Dec 2007, 3:18 am

There are people who I want to kill too. I never started a fistfight but accidentally punched someone hard once. I would fight back if I wouldn't get arrested or punished if I am in school.

There are so many people who are so worthless. I really wanted to kill my parents many times.


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28 Dec 2007, 3:31 am

TrueDave wrote:
I'm all grown up six foot tall and weigh 200 pounds. I even studied Karate for a couple of years.Yeah Im finally ready for discussion.

Sick of listening to some Alfalfa Male tell you off in front of others? Punch him.

Don't shoot him or stab him. Just simply bust the jerk in the nose.

Wouldn't that be easier than sitting in therapy week after week trying to figure out how to talk to a world that doesnt want to listen?

Woulnt suffering a black eye be less painful than obsessing about your conversation for the rest of the night?

Isnt this the quickest route from a to b. Isnt it effective communication?

I do not say this in anger rather than in frustration. Im not angry just frustrated. Dont we start using sign language with people who dont understand English anyway. Think of this as an extreme sort.

:)Yes I'm joking. I'm totally non violent. . . .but it kinda makes sense . . . .

In some cases yes, if somebodies giving you sh*t the only thing you'd need to do might only be showing him/her that you aren't going to take it. But not in all cases, people have a variety of reasons for doing things and I don't think an Aspie would be very good at guessing the motive behind any specific bullying case.

"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat." - Terry Bisson


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28 Dec 2007, 4:16 am

I'm glad the opening post was a joke.

Fists are for cowards IMHO.


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28 Dec 2007, 5:52 am

Yeah its a joke but only because I see the long term effects of it. For one I would never be able to teach kids again. And . . . well . . . I don't think evrybody should go around fighting.

I was suspended every year of middle and high school. For getting beat up. The policy was to suspend both kids so there wouldnt be any hard feelings. Crap. I didnt hit my growth spurt untill I was 27. Thats why I look like I just entered college even though Im 35.

My problem was I didnt know" Meet me after school" was a bluff to save face. When I think about some of the guys I willingly got into fights with . . . man was I dumb.

But yet again, as a kid were we not taught the lesson that if we stood up to a bully hed leave us alone after that ? Double crap. If you won he would chase you for a rematch if you lost his friends would go after you because they thought you were an easy victory.

I had a guy jump me in Adelaide on new years a couple of years ago. I defused the situation because he was drunk and sad about something. Ive actually surprised myself with how slow to anger I often am because of my violent childhood.


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28 Dec 2007, 10:08 am

well im not violent..but i got figthers soul...i have been in many sidsuations in my life where i react before nt..talking too much about punching i got enough and puncet him in stomack folowed by elbow in face...if i wouldnt done that it would be me getting my ass not proud of it was just someting need to be done...and after that none of his gang comet in my way either

we are the hatecrew we stand and we wont fall!,maybe we are not so different after all

..dead..what u know about dead?
feel free to talk:)


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28 Dec 2007, 10:16 am

TrueDave wrote:

Don't shoot him or stab him. Just simply bust the jerk in the nose.


Oh then they can sue you for screwing up their nose job! :lol:


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28 Dec 2007, 11:31 am

TrueDave wrote:
Yeah its a joke but only because I see the long term effects of it. For one I would never be able to teach kids again. And . . . well . . . I don't think evrybody should go around fighting.

I was suspended every year of middle and high school. For getting beat up. The policy was to suspend both kids so there wouldnt be any hard feelings. Crap. I didnt hit my growth spurt untill I was 27. Thats why I look like I just entered college even though Im 35.

My problem was I didnt know" Meet me after school" was a bluff to save face. When I think about some of the guys I willingly got into fights with . . . man was I dumb.

But yet again, as a kid were we not taught the lesson that if we stood up to a bully hed leave us alone after that ? Double crap. If you won he would chase you for a rematch if you lost his friends would go after you because they thought you were an easy victory.

I had a guy jump me in Adelaide on new years a couple of years ago. I defused the situation because he was drunk and sad about something. Ive actually surprised myself with how slow to anger I often am because of my violent childhood.

My best friend has been in fights with several people before and a lot of the time nobody dared to even look at him the wrong way after it, two examples I can think of are a case where he got into a fight with somebody who had been making fun of a mutual friend and the next day the kid came in with a cast on his hand. I'm told it was because he broke his fist trying to hit my friend (Victor) in the head, in another case I was actually there to witness it, some idiot was harrassing him so he took up the Drawing Board he was holding at the time and beat the kid over the head with it. As far as I know neither one bullied anyone ever again.

"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat." - Terry Bisson

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28 Dec 2007, 3:27 pm

In some cases it may be warented, but I think going around picking fights can get you into trouble with the police as I learned 6 years ago or you may find yourself being hurt. Being teasted and bullied is apart of life, ya stand your ground and only resort to fighting when all options have failed.

DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.


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28 Dec 2007, 9:02 pm

Ok I take it back.
A point was made in the Violent Video game thread that we AS have trouble reading people and are at a large risk to be frustrated.
Like a flame thrower inthe hands of a horny chimpanzee, violence in the hands of an AS person is not a giood idea.
Better we should turn the other cheek. Or rather run away spinning and flapping our hands at the same time.


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29 Dec 2007, 4:39 am

I'm about to ignore most of the thread and impart some of my opinions on society instead.

I miss fist fights. Not because I like violence, but because I think people should Fight Like Men, instead of resorting to drive-bys and such. Drive-bys suck.

I can make a statement true by placing it first in this signature.

"Everyone loves the dolphin. A bitter shark - emerging from it's cold depths - doesn't stand a chance." This is hyperbol.

"Run, Jump, Fall, Limp off, Try Harder."


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29 Dec 2007, 4:45 am

IpsoRandomo wrote:
Dunwich wrote:
Is that kind of anger and hostility a common trait among aspie guys? I know it's not a direct symptom, but it can be a rather standard result of frustration at being unable to have meaningful human interaction, right?

Perhaps so. I remember that I would get so angry, that I literally wanted to kill someone, not that I would actually do such a thing.

Me too. I'm an Aspie female.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I