alphacent wrote:
I have initiated a couple forums in the past about a correlation between Asperger's Syndrome and tall stature. So, I decided to ask the expert, Tony Attwood, about any possible correlation. Here is his response:
Thank you for the message and very important question. The answer is yes, there is an association between Asperger’s syndrome and stature. From my clinical experience, many of the children and adolescents that I see are considerably taller than their age peers and recent research by Cheryl Dissanayake published in 2006 (Development and Psychopathology, 18, 381-393) confirms a link between growth in stature and Aspergers. This can include a larger head circumference in early childhood and larger brain but we do not know why. You can pass on this information to the ‘Wrong Planet’ forum.
Best Wishes
Well, I am supposedly 5" above average in height. Still, I am in a group that I have always seen as in the middle. Some tower over me. Of course, I don't envy them as I have enough problems with my height, and marvel how some of them can even get on a 737, let alone the commuter jets. Most others, that I have seen here, aren't much taller than I am, and most are shorter. BTW I had a larger head circumference when I was younger. He implies, and I have read things that state it, that the head size usually ends up about normal. Mine is just average.