I was looking over some information about depth perception and noting this image in a section saying that most people have a natural tendency to assume that light is coming from above. Which seems logical, given that, not being deep-sea creatures, it's the direction we see the most common natural light-sources (sun & moon primarily). But looking at this example, I apparently don't perceive them the way most people do... I know that in a lot of cases, this works for me, where the placement of dark lines above and light-shaded lines below gives me the impression of something being recessed in for example the interface of a Windows program, (3D style interfaces like buttons being popular), so when they swap the colors on a button that I'm clicking it does look to me like I'm pressing the button down into a recession, but for some reason it doesn't work with this image. For me they both look convex (though it does look to me like the light is coming from a different direction). I actually find it difficult to "trick" myself into perceiving the 2nd one as being concave -- it just doesn't look it, it looks like "light from below", no matter how many golf-balls I've seen over the years. I wonder how many others here have a similar experience with this one?