livingwithautism wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Usually I believe. For those who who are nonverbal moderate there are probably extra factors. For me it's a combination of having started out severely autistic and also having apraxia of speech which is a neurological disability that causes problems with mouth and tongue coordination. And then a mental block kind of thing called selective mutism. That's my situation anyways. I'm not completely nonverbal, but mostly.
Sometimes I know exactly what I want to say, word for word, and nothing comes out except for maybe a strange sound or a stock phrase that I repeat. I'm verbally fluent, but I can't use my verbal skills conversationally.
I think along with the didn't develop at all is didn't develop completely or developed
incorrectly. Neurology is so complicated.
I can read words off a list. I posted a recording of me doing that a couple years ago. But conversing forget it.