I really hated it when my parents didnt know what I planned to do with my life so they assumed I was going nowhere and talked behind my back about how stupid I was, my mother even consulted some autism society online who suggested I be on an SSRI or else traditional antidepressant and that I might benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Sorry, but I'm not the kind of person who likes being told what to do, and while I might have gone on the anti-d's because I was depressd (though it was totally situational), I would have gone off them immediately if there was anything about them I didn't like. I don't know how they would have made me take any of the treatment; I wouldn't have ended up getting it anyway so HA! Anyway, it wasn't really pushed on me; my parents believed I would joim the military and said that I should be in it right away, and psych patients aren't allowed in the military officially. There were other instances too, like when they went through my s**t, and I really didn't appreciate that. I never trusted them to stay out of it; I wasn't complacent, just very preoccupied.
Last edited by Ana54 on 09 Jan 2008, 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.