MissPickwickian, you seem disturbed. I wouldn't qualify those emotions as "unautistic". There is nothing wrong so much that you are thinking too much. Perhaps, that is where your emotions arose? I know even if I am not claiming any of the emotional symptoms (happy, sad, anger, fear, etc.), there is some sense of these emotions behind my thoughts. Perhaps, you weren't identifying with these emotions? I do not identify, that is the reason for my coldness, but I still feel something.
Odin wrote:
NeantHumain wrote:
Emotion and reason are symbiotic. You've really never been without emotion; you have merely become more emotionally self-aware. Without emotion, you would not have anything motivating you to think about what you think about. Emotion provides the motivation and the goal; reason tells us how to get there.
Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio has argued in his book
Descartes's Error that emotion is a vital part of thinking, without emotions we couldn't make decisions, thus overturning the old assumption that reason and emotion were opposing forces with reason being our "superior" human side and emotion being our "vulgar" animalistic side. As you said, no emotion = no motivation. People that have brain damage that disturbs the connection between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex have problems with planning and decision-making.
Yes. I notice that all my thoughts are driven by an underlying emotion, it is just not conventional emotion. To deny that I have emotions would go against reason itself.