Now I am frustrated! Is this fair......

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15 Jan 2008, 9:59 pm

I have a relatively new PsyD. He's kind BUT...problem. Big problem. I am sick with frustration because he just DOES NOT GET IT (re: autism, specifically HFA/Aspies). First, he said he wrote a 'paper' in 1980 plus worked with 6 low-functioning autistics then with another clinician - painting/art therapy. Fine.

I am well-educated (just speaking objectively; not assigning value judgment) and studying neuroscience at the University plus I'm firstly a chemist. I am an analytical thinker. He's not. Yes, he's smart...just not a researcher by any means. Anyway, as we all know, autism research has progressed by leaps and bounds since he studied! Autism is most certainly NOT his speciality, by his admission.

So, I write to him (often, instead of speaking). I write well; succinctly and clearly. But he STILL cannot conceptualize autism, in my opinion. For instance, last week I gave him 2 pages I wrote which included, by clear indication (in quotes, cited, italized script) just a few relevant passages by Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. Tony Attwood for him. I really needed him to know this stuff and UNDERSTAND instead of just guessing.

He actually thought, since he obviously did not read well, that I wrote this stuff! NO!! !! !! ! I had clearly written QUOTES, even listing the books, page numbers, etc. MENTAL SCREAM. He did not even know of Dr. Grandin or Dr. Attwood!

Worse, he then had the audacity to say these two esteemed researchers are wrong or that was 'just their interpretation.' How arrogant; does my doctor proport to know more than Dr. G and Dr. A? Huh? Who is he to make this assessment? My frustration is EXTREME.

First, that he didn't actually understand, from lack of reading, WHO wrote the quotes (duh) and, second, that he's just GUESSING! With no data!

Then he made me more upset....he keeps saying, repeatedly, since I am high-functioning (ie: cognitively enhanced) that I am just some kind of weird exception to autism. I feel like screaming!! ! Especially since, knowing all of you here on WP, there are immensely gifted Aspies/Auties! I feel offended, AND I feel he has offended my friends on this forum too from his ignorance.

Yes, I've tried to tell this man that whilst there are autistics who are 'low-functioning' there are tremendous gifts too! I am not in any way denying that being autistic is really hard - it is hard!

Please help me....tell this PsyD that we are not Rainman! That is, before I have a screaming fit. ANY AND ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED. FEEL FREE TO EXPRESS YOURSELF AND LET US GIVE THIS MAN A SPANKING (metaphorically speaking).

How am I supposed to 'spoonfeed' this man this data and have him believe me? Or even believe experts who far outrank him. He even questioned Dr. Hans Asperger himself! How dare he? EGO.

Help me out here.....spank him. I'll even print (some) of your comments for him...or I shall wallpaper his office with it.
I'm on a rampage.


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15 Jan 2008, 10:03 pm

At the University I work with some amazing neuroscientists who know WAY more than my doctor. I've conveyed to him both my writing and theirs. This just eludes him......SCREAM.

My doctor's brain is stuck in autopilot and I'm ready to give him a hard whack in the head, aiming for his Sylvian Fissure.

Note: I lack a Sylvian Fissure. Yes, this is positively correlated to autism (I don't need to give you all the data - you know, probably), but he questions this. I showed him data/research showing him he's DEAD WRONG.

Help me out. Or at least suggest an appropriate blunt instrument.

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15 Jan 2008, 10:09 pm

Oh, and make it snappy Aspies. I have an appt. tomorrow late afternoon.

I sincerely might wear my lab coat (it's embroided with 'the Lab Pet') with fishnet stockings. It's very provocative.

Spank him hard Aspies. I trust our (lack of) restraint and writing power! Let's use it now and SHOW this NT we're scientists, artists, etc.

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15 Jan 2008, 10:31 pm

LabPet wrote:
I have a relatively new PsyD. He's kind BUT...problem. Big problem. I am sick with frustration because he just DOES NOT GET IT (re: autism, specifically HFA/Aspies). First, he said he wrote a 'paper' in 1980 plus worked with 6 low-functioning autistics then with another clinician - painting/art therapy. Fine.

That part right they stuck out the most to me, he is effetely defending his point of view, & probably won't change it unless you change to a more covert way of slowly giving the information to him, to slowly change his view, rather than forcing him into the state of mind of protecting his belief system, anything out side of it he will deem a threat.

Got 2 option's give up trying as he probably is a mental rigidity ( psychology term of rigidity wiki click me ) person & won't go they, or try the more slow approach that work's with people who are not very diverse.

Just thought that might make you laugh when you see the Functional fixedness

Sorry if you allready know about this...


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15 Jan 2008, 10:43 pm

Actually, many believe that EINSTEIN lacked a "Sylvian Fissure"! !! ! ... Fissure%22

In 1980, I think people thought that Autistic people were idiots, etc... HECK, I had to relearn a lot of that. I had NO idea that I might be autistic. When I see so many here, even YOU to a degree, that show odd traits I have, I think WOW!

YOU (Labpet) CLEARLY appear intelligent, etc... If I heard, in 1980, that you were autistic, I would have screamed FOUL! You just CAN'T BE!

Here is a piece of a New York Times Article:

So, Is This Why Einstein Was So Brilliant wrote:
One was quantitative. Einstein's parietal lobes were about 15 percent wider on each side, a finding that was significant by statistical tests.

The second anomaly was unique, Dr. Witelson said. A groove known as the Sylvian fissure was largely absent. ''The inferior parietal region was not separated by this big fissure as is present in every other brain we've seen and in every other depiction in any human atlas of postmortem brains,'' she said.

A few areas of Einstein's brain, such as his temporal lobes and the top-to-bottom measurement, ''looked a bit smaller'' than the average, Dr. Witelson said. ''When you put that all together, this is why the overall brain was not different'' in size, she said.

Read that carefully!! !! !! Sylvian fissure partially absent? A few areas of Einstein's brain, such as his temporal lobes and the top-to-bottom measurement, ''looked a bit smaller'' than the average????? Dr. Witelson said. ''When you put that all together, this is why the overall brain was not different'' in size?????

Let's see? sylvian fissure differences, and remapped dominance? Sounds like AUTISM! His behaviour.....
1. ADD type behaviour,
2. Studying for need/desire.
3. Daydreaming.
4. visualizing.
5. etc...
6. delayed speech.
7. appearing mediocre, but not.

seem to back this up.

Anyway, try to encourage, but don't expect him to learn. 8-(


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15 Jan 2008, 10:47 pm

Sounds like he was brain washed into not think for him self, Or He I is intimidated By a greater brain so showing rigidness is better than showing stupidity or just not knowing?? :shrug:

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15 Jan 2008, 11:51 pm

I think logitechdog has it right. Having failed to convince your PsyD that his "big picture" may be faulty, you must now fall back on a strategy of changing his view by tiny increments. Focus on the concrete, the demonstrable, the specific.

Another thought - might your age and gender be a factor in his resistance to taking in new info? In an ideal world it shouldn't matter, but in the real world, sadly, it often does.


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16 Jan 2008, 1:04 am

Fire him.

1980 was 27 years ago. He has been a fake for a long time.

He has not lived it, learned it, or even kept up with the field.

The idea is helping you, and that is not happening.

You were buying knowledge, and found he had none.

It is not for you to teach, just walk away.

Before he makes a record, "Female Hysteria, massive Thorizene is needed, lies about autism.

They will cover their ass, and the next will also.

Just walk away. You need someone new, admitted to practice in the last five years.

LabPet is not ordinary. The rarest of all, in a class of her own.

There is no way to measure, compare to what?

LabPet is, Perfect, unchanging, must be, and the world is not.

A Culture of One, to be loved, learned, and the world taught how to behave.

I change the world everyday, I would never change LabPet.

She can only grow to be her best, or be unhappy.

I can question goals, what does LabPet seek?

Step back, evaluate, seek anew.

There is a LabPet path, and some places are just to show, not here, ruled out, and onward, always onward.

There is a true path, seek.

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16 Jan 2008, 1:08 am

I think SleepyDragon has a point there. Often, when confronted with this type of problem, I have realized that I am talking to a man who is threatened by a female appearing smarter than himself. How incredibly boring. We most certainly do not think with our genitals. :roll:

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16 Jan 2008, 1:14 am

LabPet wrote:
How am I supposed to 'spoonfeed' this man this data and have him believe me? Or even believe experts who far outrank him. He even questioned Dr. Hans Asperger himself! How dare he? EGO.

Well, of course, there is nothing wrong in disagreeing with others in one's field, no matter how well known or respected. As a sociologist (Ph.D.), I do so all the time. However, disagreements should be informed by current research data. It sounds like this psychologist isn't worth your time.

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
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16 Jan 2008, 3:55 am

LabPet wrote:
Help me out. Or at least suggest an appropriate blunt instrument.

Don't use a blunt instrument. Just grab his collar from behind and poor a cold shushie down his back. That way, he can't call it assault. :mrgreen:

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16 Jan 2008, 4:00 am

I don't really understand the original post.

Did he say that you cannot have autism due to how well you interact/function? If he's seeing it from the perspective of autistic disorder where a little under half don't acquire speech, and for the majority of those that do have immense difficulty in communicating their point across verbally without mechanical aid; I guess you wouldn't be "autistic" to him.

However, Asperger's was added for there were individuals who were autistic but they didn't meet the common picture above, if you're autistic but you can communicate adequately, you have Asperger's.


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16 Jan 2008, 4:02 am

Danielismyname wrote:
I don't really understand the original post.

Did he say that you cannot have autism due to how well you interact/function? If he's seeing it from the perspective of autistic disorder where a little under half don't acquire speech, and for the majority of those that do have immense difficulty in communicating their point across verbally without mechanical aid; I guess you wouldn't be "autistic" to him.

However, Asperger's was added for there were individuals who were autistic but they didn't meet the common picture above, if you're autistic but you can communicate adequately, you have Asperger's.

I truly do not think he's even thought that far ahead! This stuff hasn't occurred for him yet.
I should clarify: My Dx is not in question. I am a high-functioning autistic. He and I both know this. That's not the problem. The problem is, as I stated, he just doesn't know what he's trying to treat. Specifically, he doesn't read what I write (since I'm not really verbal) - that's the first dilemma with him. Next, he is NOT familiar with autism, or at least terribly outdated. So I doubt he can treat me with any credibility. Whilst he may be 'good' with other patients with conditions he is familiar with, he doesn't know much about autism. That's the problem!

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16 Jan 2008, 6:12 am

hartzofspace wrote:
I think SleepyDragon has a point there. Often, when confronted with this type of problem, I have realized that I am talking to a man who is threatened by a female appearing smarter than himself. How incredibly boring. We most certainly do not think with our genitals. :roll:

I really don't hope you SERIOUSLY feel that way! GRANTED a lot of males, in my day, generally realized we were supposed (Expected and have the capability) to do some things better than females. We might be ridiculed if we didn't. But Lying about it wouldn't help.

HECK, you would NEVER want a female to pick a fight with you because it would put you in a catch 22 situation!! !! If you actually tried to win, it would be like a old giant man trying to pick on a little p**** cat(mean, cruel, COWARDLY, etc...). If you lost, you would be seen as a wimp. For the record, I never tried to pick a fight with anyone.

Of course, there are other areas where females were supposed to be better. Boys generally just ignored that, etc... AS for intelligence/emotions, as an example, females are supposed to be better in language and basic social interaction. males are supposed to be better with math and sports.

HEY, I am horrible at sports. I ADMIT it! And my math is not all that great. I am also better at language. But HEY, I freely admit that.

As for smarter, it sounds like labpet is there because she is so smart. She could easily prove her abilities. She may do so every day. If I recall right, they are even beyond what is expected of humans. Frankly, I think anyone disregarding what she said SIMPLY because she is a woman would basically be picking a fight with her. That is to say, it would be something they really couldn't win.


Based on labpets job, and certain things she said, it sound like the jerk is a coworker. His pay and position may be just above hers. She is upset because he is not trying to understand her, and sees her as having some other problem.(labpet, correct me if I am wrong)


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16 Jan 2008, 6:21 am

2ukenkerl wrote:
Based on labpets job, and certain things she said, it sound like the jerk is a coworker. His pay and position may be just above hers. She is upset because he is not trying to understand her, and sees her as having some other problem.(labpet, correct me if I am wrong)

He's my PsyD - medical clinician. I pay him for services. So, he's not a co-worker at all. I agree with Inventor; I just can't keep him as my doctor since he's increasing my frustration.......I am misinterpreted. PsyD professional is not helping. I just write to inifinity and back for him. I'm exhausted.

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16 Jan 2008, 6:44 am

LabPet wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:
Based on labpets job, and certain things she said, it sound like the jerk is a coworker. His pay and position may be just above hers. She is upset because he is not trying to understand her, and sees her as having some other problem.(labpet, correct me if I am wrong)

He's my PsyD - medical clinician. I pay him for services. So, he's not a co-worker at all. I agree with Inventor; I just can't keep him as my doctor since he's increasing my frustration.......I am misinterpreted. PsyD professional is not helping. I just write to inifinity and back for him. I'm exhausted.

Then YEAH, **********FIRE HIM************! He's a kook! You very much sound HFA, and a nuerologist basically proved it. You are stable, the allowances allow you to be a good useful resource for society, hopefully, you get paid well. and you seem fairly happy in spite of your problems. Frankly, if I were your doctor and KNEW you were diagnosed wrong, I would probably STILL leave well enough alone.

If I were you, I guess I would just be looking for a way to get rid of the meltdowns. Mine don't seem as bad, and I would like to get rid of THEM!