ps1r3n wrote:
edal wrote:
Here's another way of looking at the problem.
Muslim artists, carpenters and builders will always make a slight error when creating something. The reason for this is that according to Islam only Allah can create something perfect.
Sounds like this Allah guy has issues
'm sure you know that allah is their name for god, and you made a joke.
You are right though! They made a self fulfilling prophecy! Ironically, artists, carpenters, and builders can ******NEVER****** acheive perfection! WHY????
1. They aren't perfect.
2. Materials and aestetics aren't perfect.
3. The WORLD isn't perfect!
SO, I guess they are afraid that if they tried to acheive perfection that they would FAIL! If they failed, they would PROVE that god was a failure! After all, if god was PERFECT and HONEST and JUST, he would make US perfect ALSO, RIGHT? And the materials would be perfect and so would the WORLD!
YEAH, SOME claim we couldn't be trusted, wars, etc... But THAT shows a lack of perfection!! !!