Do you feel like you're way ahead of everyone?

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21 Jan 2008, 3:48 am

All these normal people... I feel greatly understimulated and dead around them; they sure don't do much. Even the ones that are famous.


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21 Jan 2008, 4:18 am

what do you mean?

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21 Jan 2008, 5:58 am

Understimulated? I'm rather bothered by "normal" people (well, most of them). They don't realize the simplest things sometimes. Like they were acting only by their biological drives.
And because I'm not like this, they keep calling me a conspiracy theorist. Argh!

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21 Jan 2008, 6:04 am

I used to CERTAINLY feel that way. NOW, it is only in certain things.


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21 Jan 2008, 7:36 am

Oh dear, people certainly overstimulate me sometimes. After all my meltdowns I just wish that the whole world would empty so that I'd be left alone, free to go everywhere, free of all that stimuli that hinders me and free to STUDY all of the world's secrets.

I guess that people also understimulate me at other times. I feel so in times when I'm the only one who goes about one things that need to be shared in order to be fully understood. Or when I want to try out whether I'm right or wrong at something with a discussion partner who then can't follow my train of thought. Or when I'm the only one with an idea that seems just revolutionary to me.

You know what, I think it's pretty normal to feel like either at times. Sometimes the world's an amazing place and half a day after, you see everything from a different point of view. In the end, it's rather entertaining and extraordinary insightful to see more than one side and keep them all in mind to the best of one's abilities.


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21 Jan 2008, 7:41 am

Ahead in some ways, behind in others. I feel different.
Other people, by their comments, have confirmed that this perception of myself is correct.

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Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I

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21 Jan 2008, 7:43 am

Sounds like a bout of thinking we are better than non-aspies, I reckon.

I have never felt like that, understimulated around others.

In many cases, I feel INFERIOR to others, who are not cursed with the symptoms of this lifelong condition.

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21 Jan 2008, 8:19 am

With a few exceptions, I feel mostly bored around NTs.


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21 Jan 2008, 8:20 am

I felt that way when I was a kid in school...I was a faster reader and better at tests than the other kids. It was good that there was something I could feel proud of...because I had so many social and other difficulties and whatnot. Now I feel behind most people. Here I am...age 32...i don't drive...I have focused for more than half my life on a music career and don't have anything to really show for it (aside from helping run one of the neatest venues in the US :wink: ) I am very childlike...and while in some ways it is a good thing, in alot of ways it is not.


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21 Jan 2008, 8:45 am

Objectively, I’m behind in vocation and academia as most people my age and with my "intelligence" have finished their degree and are working; this "failure" is directly related to my somewhat interesting neurological profile. (Said profile doesn't give a damn about the aforementioned achievements, so it all works out.) Socially, I'm fine; I have a real friend (I see myself ahead in this aspect).

Over the place, just like everyone else.

I don't know if this is what you're asking however (thread title and message body imply different things).


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21 Jan 2008, 11:27 am

How I feel depends on who I am talking to, and the subject they are discussing. A lot of NT discussions are boring and trivial. I understand sports can be entertaining to them, but what does it have to do with the world we live in? Discussing emotions usually makes me confused.
I work at an engineering firm, so I do get to have normal conversations with my peers. Our teams seem to be broken up into Aspie engineering teams (serious projects only) and NT teams (simple projects). Our secretaries and other admin people are NTs who take care of us Aspies pretty well. They visit our desks, or call us, for appointment reminders instead of trying to get us to remember our calendars. They know we can get ahead of them quickly, so they act as if we are slow ones. I imagine they think we should know how to prevent them from getting information overload. They also complain about searching for our sports coats and coffee cups because of our absent mindedness. But, they love their jobs. I wish I could get that kind of support at home.
After work, I go back to the real world of mostly NTs. I understand that most people are intellectually slow, but faster with jokes and emotional responses. I don’t butt into other peoples conversations to answer the stupid questions they ask each other. I don’t bother to try to correct a lot of the ignorance in their conversations towards me. I am on the defensive trying not to offend people who just don’t get it.


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21 Jan 2008, 11:45 am

dosh wrote:
With a few exceptions, I feel mostly bored around NTs.

Same, at least in purely social situations. I find them fascinating if I'm explaining things to them, or they're explaining things to me. But with the exception of my family and some friends, people my age bore me. Even my friends I can only tolerate for so long. I do much better with adults and small children. I feel ahead in that I feel mature and focused, not driven by base desires/emotions, and in that I know a lot about news and other stuff that most people don't. But I'm behind (or is it ahead?) in that I've never drank, tried any drugs, had sex, any of that. I've never been in a relationship, I like to go home from college on weekends, I enjoy TV and stuff over partying. The autism spectrum is advantages in some areas and deficits in some, and that's how I feel in regards to my maturity.

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21 Jan 2008, 12:19 pm


well i fell like that many times, but then all this feelings disappear when i see i don´t do well at certain subject and NT's do. So the conclusion is that if i were ahead of them i would do better. I have just failed a subject which i know i understand. I feel there has been a communication problem between the professor and me. I have many good ideas and he doesn´t appreciate them.

One of these days i will publish a paper and it will be praised and recognised. Then he will understand me. What a shame.

Snowy Owl
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21 Jan 2008, 12:35 pm

I under stimulate myself, don't need people to do that. I like to challenge myself by trying to cram as much info into me, but then I forget how to work a microwave. Knowing why Rome fell doesn't heat up your lasagna.

So yes and no.



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21 Jan 2008, 4:37 pm

I used to feel I was ahead of people,but that was before I stumbled upon my Asperger's
moment of revelation at the age of 46.
Now I feel like I'm behind everyone and trying to catch up ! Might have been different if I'd realised sooner.

I have lost the will to be apathetic


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21 Jan 2008, 7:25 pm

Either I’m ahead of everyone else or I’m so far behind that it’s sad. I’ve been told quite often that I don’t ‘get it’ and I need to either, get with the program or shut the hell up.