Skyling wrote:
I've noticed a lot of people on the internet (teens especially) that constantly talk about their AS, like it's a badge of honor or some crap like that. I have AS, and generally I don't talk about it unless it's the subject of the conversation. I also have a friend with AS and whenever he makes a social faux pas, he tells me it's his AS.
I'm this close to telling some of these people that if they don't shut it, I'll ad a heck of a lot more Aspergers to their Syndrome. So what, why is this that they do that?
I understand accepting your flaws, but I don't understand why you'd brag about such a thing as this.
I think that my Autism isn't a good thing, but I think there are good things about it (smartness, honesty, and clarity). I think these people feel bad about it, and want to make it seem like not such a bad thing to them by bragging about it.