Mikhaillost wrote:
Can a meltdown have violence, bad violence, during it? Instead of just screaming and crying or is this a whole new level of crazy?
Yes,this is what 'meltdown' is to a lot of autistics,especially to those who are on the mf/lf end as more things start to complicate.
Am have always had very 'violent' meltdowns [which included towards other people until started on meds in 2000,age might have helped to],tend to get meltdowns every day if the setoffs are there,medications help as does awareness and understanding from others of what the setoffs are,it also helps being restrained to stop even more damage.
If are able to keep them to one specific area of house,or have people who could bring self to specific area,it could be set up with padding on walls,although this wouldn't help with punches to body,it would help with kicks or head banging.
OTs can sort out room for this,am have always used a special matress for padding but it's falling apart and am now waiting for proper custom made high padding off the OT as it is being attached to bed.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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