So I get back to campus after having a few days off for thanksgiving break. Everything was cleaned in the dorms during the break and the whole place reeks of pine.
I got back at 4pm. My roomate gets back at 10:30pm, then heads off someplace, not to return until 2:53am.
I went to bed at 11:15 and fell into a good sleep.
2:53am - roomate gets back in and turns on all the lights in my room. Dang it! I can deal with it if it's 12:30am and I'm still falling alseep, but not at 3am!
So I'm up now and tossing and turning. What does my roomate do? He starts opening his mail, making as much noise as I ever heard him make.
Finally 15 minutes at 3:08am he goes to bed and begins snoring loudly almost the instant his head hit's the pillow.
My night's sleep however, has been ruined.
Tonight I know he's getting back late. Before I go to bed, I'm taking the lights out of the fixtures. Maybe he'll get the idea finally I don't like the lights on past 12am!
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...