understood you/your problems.
My mother was guilty of this a few years ago, one of the most notable times when she said that I was starting to "conquer the difficulties of my AS after having difficulties that i was born with". WHAT? YUCKO! BLEEEEEAAAUUGH! And to add insult to injury the serious/matter-of-fact way in which she said it mixed with those words sounded downright SAPPY to me!
I was not born with my social anxiety which led to the dysfunction and social ineptness. I was born me, different and unique, but not that much. And I had a few differences with a mother that was very different from me, and unable to see my view and maybe me unable to see hers, and it was not me or her. I got social anxiety and stubbornness about certain social stuff because she would NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE about it. Too much intrusiveness, bossiness, controlling on her part. It was like she wouldn't let me have one quirk in public. Not one. Even if I was totally normal besides that one quirk. Let me have one thing that distinguishes me from all others in the world! But no!
I did not try to get rid of this socil ineptrness I was born with. I did not have it. I tried to be myself. And I was being myself or keeping a low profile all those times she thought I was trying or, consciously or subconsciously to get rid of my ineptness.
She was not an expert on me. She still isn't. She didn't know me, just the most shallow things about me; that she might have been an expert on.