The guy dismissed the case, for those of you who read before...
Our lawyer was amazing...he told us he wants his son to be homeschooled and has had many arguments about it with his wife...
He also told us he has told his son to question everyone...I have a feeling he's either an AS or ADHD guy...he told us he was asked to come speak to his son's teacher and he told the teacher that from what his son had told him, the TEACHER owed him and apology...hehe...The teacher needless to say, said to him, that's what your son told me the lawyer said, then what are you waiting for? You respect him, he'll respect you. You don't respect him, he has no reason to respect you...not because you're his teacher or because you're older...
He told us about going to defend a 14yr old who had killed someone and in addition told us that he had told the courts that the schools were causing these amazing people, who had their own thoughts to rebel and they were being punished for seeking justice...
Wow! Anyway, he got our case dismissed...didn't take but 10minutes or so.
PS - at the end, he knew about our son being diagnosed with autism and he told us...You are very blessed to have someone like him in your life...they are in another world, another dimension, they know right from wrong...don't allow society or the schools to break him...keep him away from schools and he will flourish...You should feel blessed that you have him as a son! Imagine that!! !