Age1600 wrote:
KingdomOfRats wrote:
is that the life skills classes for people with disabilities?
Apart of the Developmental devision disability thing, people with MR, Down syndrome, autism, any type of disorder that hinders us, well provide class called life skills class. Soon, i will probably take one, its suppose to teach you what to do and teach you how to handle stuff like taxes, and other stuff.
Know the courses that mean!
Have took two of them before but only finished one,they come under the ASDAN board/certificate here and colleges get fussy if have already done one before,and if over 25 they won't even fund for one.
That one sounds like it's quite a high level life skills course,what other stuff does it have?
Might get to go on holidays and days out with the course as well,as they do with the ones am have been on.
Have college staff offered any accomodations yet?
if are likely to have meltdowns/self injuring etc in class,officially they can't/won't restrain,and will require own support for that.
Am had own support from home staff for this and general support,but also got the physical help off most teachers/support staff when needed to,this can differ depending on who it is.
the class should have the main teacher,and usually 1 or more support staff to help.
Accomodations they might offer [what am was given,not sure of others] -laptop [if unable to write,find writing difficult,visual processing difficulties etc],staff college pass to bypass sensory abusing corridors of the college,PECS for communicating, re-wrote all the work for am into way could understand [but ASDAN said they weren't allowed to do this for the exams so didn't get the certificate],made sure there was less talking and more doing,allowed am into the room at breaks,made sure am had same seat every time...
write out a list of things that would really help whilst at college.
Make sure to mention any problems,things needed,own support [if needed] etc. before the course starts.
Check out possible problems at the college such as the lights,the corridors,noise levels,the feel of any equipment thats' going to be used...although they should give a tour of the place so will be able to find this out.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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