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28 Jan 2008, 9:55 am

So I took art classes in college. Not really by choice...just happened.

Anyway, as I see all the "avatars" here, I had a thought...There were only a handful of drawings of people I have done in my life. One was of a boyfriend I had once...I remember being amazed that I could draw so well...It was in my room, and my eyes were closed as I tried to remember the was a drawing made by blacking out the paper with graphite...and then actually drawing with an eraser...when I finished I myself couldn't believe how good it was...that was just once.

The other faces I drew look exactly like those avatars I see here...the eyes, the chin, etc...and everytime I took a pencil, I would draw one...they always looked the same...they were always of men though...

Just wondering, what is it about those "avatar" faces (cartoon like) that we are so attracted to? Is this an aspie thing with identifying with those faces???


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28 Jan 2008, 9:58 am

Actually, I remember girls telling me I was weird because they would talk about guy's eyes, their bodies, to what they found attractive...and I couldn't pick out any of them if they just showed me their eyes...but my attraction then and now has always been the jaw line and chin...

Is this because that's all I truly looked at? Is this why people told me I had a "lost" look? Because they thought I was looking at them, and so did I, but I wasn't looking in their eyes, but instead at their "chins?"


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28 Jan 2008, 10:35 am

I used to draw incessantly in childhood, but always had trouble approaching a human face.


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28 Jan 2008, 11:56 am

whatamess wrote:
Just wondering, what is it about those "avatar" faces (cartoon like) that we are so attracted to? Is this an aspie thing with identifying with those faces???

I neither like nor dislike the avatar pictures (or emoticons)-I just see an image to associate with a name or word. Cartoon/comic style isn't esp. appealing to me visually, though I imagine that simplified faces are easier to "read", process, make sense of, decode ?
whatamess wrote:
The other faces I drew look exactly like those avatars I see here...the eyes, the chin, etc...and everytime I took a pencil, I would draw one...they always looked the same...they were always of men though...

As a child, I drew women (either in fashion clothing or just the faces) all the time-but they were stylized (according to what I thought looked good) not realistic. Could never draw men at all, though, neither their faces nor their bodies/clothing.
What does this "mean" ? No idea.

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28 Jan 2008, 12:46 pm

Horrible, Proportion too. The thing is, I can draw manga extremely well.
I usually have to get my friend to draw the basic outline of something if I can't trace it myself.


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28 Jan 2008, 2:00 pm

I love drawing. 8O

My avatar is my self portrait.
I frequently draw people, but I usually give the drawing to the person I draw, so I don't have many samples. You can see some of my fictional drawings by clicking here.

That thing you described about covering the paper with graphite and drawing by erasing sounds like scratch-boarding. You should try it some time. It's quite fun and easy. You get a sheet of scratch board paper, a broad paint brush, black ink, and an exacto knife. You paint in the big shapes, then carve out the highlights. It helps to have some fine black pens too, or a fine brush.

I like drawing "ugly" people I see, because they have the most unique and interesting featueres. Unfortunately it's usually the pretty ones (women and men) who ask to be drawn.

whatamess, do you have any samples online that we could see?

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28 Jan 2008, 2:22 pm

I'm really good at drawing (anime) faces. It's bodies I have trouble with.


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28 Jan 2008, 2:52 pm

unfortunately I have no drawings I've done, as my crazy ex-husband destroyed every drawing I made because he claimed I did them all to remind me of ex-boyfriends...yes, even architectural drawings...ever since that, I never drew again.

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28 Jan 2008, 3:03 pm

It is difficult to draw people faces.
I can draw only him and he look like the same as real person.
Image ... y_AIWS.jpg ... y_AIWS.jpg ... y_AIWS.jpg ... y_AIWS.jpg
I try to draw other people, but that's the torture, they don't look like real people.


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28 Jan 2008, 3:32 pm

i've always loved (and considered myself good at) drawing people AND their faces.

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28 Jan 2008, 3:46 pm

I suck at faces. Much like Odo, they are difficult for me to render.


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28 Jan 2008, 3:47 pm

I'm horrible at drawing period.

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28 Jan 2008, 6:00 pm

I draw, but I've never been particularly good at drawing a recognizable face. I've never really looked at people's faces much until recently when I started making an effort at it, but I still don't remember what faces look like. Ironically, I have never found real faces and bodies particularly appealing, so I guess I'm subconsciously keeping that divide between interpretation of reality and aesthetic fiction very wide.

Can't draw real people because that means discerning physical characteristics and demeanor (to translate them into a drawing), which I don't have the ability to do. :lol:


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28 Jan 2008, 7:20 pm

I'm no good at portraits. I can draw fictional people's faces, but I'm no good at capturing a real persons likeness.


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28 Jan 2008, 7:23 pm

I can't draw realistic anything, especially faces and hands. I can draw cartoon/anime well enough, though.


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28 Jan 2008, 7:32 pm

Are you asking why we seem attracted to cartoon-like faces or if we are any good at drawing faces?