So I've posted about the mess with the electric company. Well, of course where we live, there are issues with everything. So, for years we are also battling the water company.
So here's my example...
They always estimate our water consumption. My name is not on the account, so they won't even talk to me about it. So, I have to explain all the wrong billing to my husband and he has to go, in person, take time off work, to get this resolved.
So this morning, once again, I show him statements for the past four months. I explain to him that our last bill was 122.23, however, it states it was for consumption between 18OCT and 15DEC...however, I show him a bill that we received in November, for estimated consumption between 18OCT and mid-november of 107.04. So, I tell him, since we have a bill from 18OCT through 15DEC for 122.23 and the meter was actually read on 15DEC, then the estimated bill we received for November was incorrect. Therefore, the water company needs to give us credit for 107USD against that 122USD bill. I explain a few times, make him explain to me once and when I ask for him to explain again because I had to still explain to him things that he had not understood, he says, he gets it.
So, take time off, it takes an hour in line to get issue resolved. I patiently wait. He comes out of the office and gives me the proof...Here it is...our credit for 46USD against we only owe 15USD for 1/2 of the 122, plus the other 61.94!! !
WHAT??? So I lose it! I start yelling at him that he had it all wrong, that it was all wrong, blah, blah...and of course, he does not apologize and instead says nothing with an angry face...and the attitude of "you are so demanding, you are so ungrateful, you need to stop yelling at me!"
So, at the end, does anyone here have to deal with such things? Or is it just my NT husband that doesn't get things? Is it a guy thing? Is it an NT thing? What is it?
Sorry to vent, but things are already rough with all the other stuff and this just takes the cake.