Ok, what really bothers me now and these days is how they focus sooo much on autism in children, I had an appt to see the drc at my college to try for the 3rd time to get back into classes. The lady looked at me, and doubted i was autistic because in her words "I'm not non-verbal, I'm actually talking to a person, I actually seem interested in stuff besides my own little world, and I'm not handflapping or rocking !" Wow, I was non-verbal growing up, and thankfully I learned how to verbally express myself, and yes I'm interested in more then just my own little world, i want to do sign to teach other non-verbal autistics, and I aint handflapping because i aint happy, and rocking no, i was handtwisting and doing other weird things.
Its like most people see an autistic child off of tv, then assume their like that into adulthood! One of the ladies said, "you seem verrrry high functioning, and the reason why is because I'm out in the world, and not freaking out due to all the sensory and people, and I'm not headbanging?". No I am freaking out(Just because I'm not throwing myself on the ground like I did as a child or headbanging at the moment doesn't mean I'm not freaking out !) I meltdown just about every night I go do big things like that, and afterwards like now, my brain feels like its melting inside. Then the other lady goes "your not acting like rainman?" WHAT? huh, no I'm not rainman, I'm adrienne, when you meet another autistic touretteing adrienne, you let me know haha! I just get sooo mad going out into the world, and hearing this over and over .
My question is does anybody else have a similiar experience or at least agree with me on how they only forcus on autism as a childhood disorder, and don't show much awareness on what autistic adults are like
Being Normal Is Vastly Overrated