I did not learn that I had AS until my late twenties. I have always had "issues", and most troubling have been my severe sensory aversions to paper, metal and unfinished wood. I've learned ways to work around these; basically I avoid touching them if at all possible. I wear long sleeves when I know I'll need to write on paper, so I have a buffer between me and it. I never use pencil because the sound of anything against paper makes my teeth hurt and locks me right up. Dining out can be rough - metal utensils, paper placemats and napkins and napkin holders AAHHH!! Glass that isn't smooth, like frosted glass, also presents a major issue, though fortunately I don't encounter it much where I have to touch it. Certain suede materials also YUCK.
But here's the problem. Metal, paper and unfinished wood are EVERYWHERE. Hearing my husband turn the pages of his book beside me makes me cringe. God forbid someone's teeth hit a metal fork in my vicinity. I sat at dinner with a friend the other night who did this and the entire time I could barely speak and had my nails dug into my legs trying to keep my composure, it was horrid!
So the question is, at my age, what can I even do at this point? My sensory aversions are at least moderate and probably bordering on severe. I have no idea how to help myself other than avoidance, which just isn't always possible. ANY advice would be greatly appreciated.
Curiosity is not a mental illness.
Homeschooling Aspie mom of 2 kiddos on the Spectrum.