Dear MissPickwickian,
I'm new around here and already starting to feel tribal.
The slang may throw me for awhile though.
I'm used to the Myers-Briggs definition of "NT" which stands for "iNtuitive Thinking" = rational, and thus have for years been used to thinking of "NT" as being a good thing, since I test as an INTJ.
Also, I think I have neurotypical parents (but since am new to all this Asperger stuff probably am not knowledgeable enough to be sure) who have accepted me very well throughout my life ... one I consider a Myers-Briggs version of NT Rational, the other an NF Idealist.
Now to my mind it's the SJ Guardians you need to watch out for, and probably what I consider to be an SJ Guardian is what in the Aspie world would be called an NT = neurotypical.
And coming from a sci fi / fantasy fannish background, an SJ Guardian or what Aspies see as an NT would also be called a "mundane."
Anyways, hail and well met, fellow tribe member!
~~ the phoenix
"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine." -- REM
Last edited by the_phoenix on 05 Feb 2008, 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.