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03 Sep 2009, 10:34 am

Is there anyone has motivation problem?I dont want to do anything nothing makes me move.If I need to do something I wait till last minute.I dont have job i look after my doughter and just i do neccesary things.My wife always says go to out walking or swimming but most of the time i cant.If i go to out i like it. When I'm out i feel like its good I'm out but next day I dont want to go out again or I see i need to clean things and i cant start long time I make excuses to not start and after i start I enjoy it and I think i must do this every day it makes me feel good.

About everything Im like this.I dont have enough motivation to start things.

I just want to see how is everyone here about motivation?Is it from being asperger or different problem?


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03 Sep 2009, 12:36 pm

That could be an onset of depression. Worth looking into as i went down that road (pre-autism Dx). Felt like nothing i did was doing me any good, I just wanted to sleep and pray the day would end faster. On the more positive side, it could be that you have yet to find something your condition would would get you focused on to feed your need for mental stimulation. Could also be that some of your sensory perceptions are getting overwhelmed and wearing you out. Try wearing comfortable sunglasses (i know that gets me out of my home to at least walk, and im hooked on getting my 2-3 20+ min walks each day). If your thinking becomes suicidal, schedule an appointment with a psychologist immediately.


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03 Sep 2009, 1:16 pm

I'm not sure about the depression. It could be, of course. It's one of many possibilities and lord knows we are prone enough to it for it to make sense.

Thing is, though, the OP is saying that he enjoys those things once he actually gets started on them, and while atypical depression can include mood reactivity like that, it would be more obvious if you out and out said "I can't enjoy anything"...

Another possibility to me is the simple inertia that comes with many sorts of executive dysfunction--the problem of not being able to "get started" on things. It comes from shifting from one task to another, from having difficulty with planning, from not being able to see in your head how you're going to do things before you do them, and consequently everything looking really very overwhelming to you, so you sit in your chair and just can't figure out how to get started. Maybe it's a touch of a catatonia-like trait, too, if part of the problem is either physically moving, or moving in a purposeful way instead of, for example, uselessly walking from room to room while trying to get started cleaning things.

I've got this particular problem, personally, which is what made me think of it (we are always trying to relate to each other here, aren't we?). It is still a problem. I take five or ten times as long as many people do to do rather simple things, and not because I'm incapable but because I've got trouble planning them. It's not a matter of intelligence, as I'm doing well in my college classes (though it does mean that two hours of homework turns into a day's job); just a matter of not really being able to plan very well. I have lately tended to approach it like yet another logical problem, and write down the plan explicitly so that I can follow it easily, and to make standard plans that would get me through things I needed to do often, like making lunch or cleaning the bathroom. It is easier to follow a pattern you have always followed than to make up an entirely new one.

You might, if you like being outdoors (I love this myself; it really is great for your mood, isn't it?), write down exactly what you had to do to get outdoors, in as much detail as you needed, and follow the list instead of trying to figure out what to do with just one big item like "go for a walk", you might have a checklist of things to do in order to do it--which clothes to wear, what to grab before you left, a reminder to lock the door before you went. I think this helps people with all sorts of problems with planning, not just autistics; children with attention-deficit should be taught it as a matter of course right along with reading and arithmetic...

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03 Sep 2009, 8:09 pm

If you don't have anything that interests you then it's natural to lack motivation. Find someone that you enjoy and that you can make it a regular activity. However if you find that nothing interests you or you don't have the motivation or drive to find out, then I agree that you might be starting to get depressed.
I have struggled with motivation since I was 13, the age of onset for my depression. At one stage it got to the point where I dropped out of school and slept for 16-18 hours a day because I didn't have the motivation to face another day. I still struggle but it's not as extreme. It takes a fair amount of effort for me to get out of the house but I am sleeping for normal lengths of time.

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03 Sep 2009, 9:36 pm

I have problems with motivation as well. I try to use my ex as an example so I am not like him. I do not expect others to do things for me so I do them myself. I have to force myself to do things. I also tend to wait till the last minute like I wait till the towards of my bill due dates to pay them. I know it doesn't take me more than five minutes to write a check and put them in the envelope and put a stamp on them, address them and put them in the outbox. I also don't go out much and I never want to have sex because I don't ever feel like it.