I'm not sure how many people have asked this question on this forum, but I truly don't know the answer. Do I have Asperger's?
I'm eighteen and most people see me as "strange" or "different". When I was about nine years old I was obsessed with road maps, to the extent that I brought a book with road maps of local towns to school, for quiet reading in class. By the time I was eleven I began collecting golf scorecards from local courses, my dad had a job which required him to travel, and he would get scorecards from courses hundreds of kilometres away, and I memorised the distances of each hole, the pars, that sort of thing. I played golf, and many kids at school said that I always talked about golf and that I was obsessed. Now I'm interested in post WW2 military aircraft, and often trawl through Wikipedia looking at articles on such aircraft.
I was always (and still am) very good at mental arithmetic which made me slightly popular, until high school, when everyone now had a calculator and I was bullied quite a lot for reasons I couldn't (and still can't) explain, although this bullying had basically stopped by my third year of high school, thankfully.
My father is basically a loner, he sees most people as having illogical emotional responses to certain situations (as he says, "if you bang your head on a wall, don't complain about a headache"). His brother (who has never married) is a woodworker by trade and does woodworking in his spare time, and has pulled me aside at certain family functions to talk my ear off about woodworking - not that I mind, although I would rather be playing fetch with the dog.
I have a small group of friends who have noted that I tend to put things into patterns, and that I tend to rock back and forth in my chair when sitting down, but it wasn't until a certain situation (when a girl was apparently flirting openly with me in a cafe, and I didn't notice) that I guess I really started to ask if there was something "different" about me. I've never cared for fashion or celebrity gossip or any of that vacuous rubbish, and I've never dated, although I would like to.
The reason why I'm asking whether or not I have Asperger's is because while I'm pretty sure that I do (why else would I be here?) I would still like to see what other people have to say.