Age1600 wrote:
NeantHumain wrote:
Aspies are much less likely to have sex to begin with.
You know its weird, im actually obsessed with sex, and due to me not knowing how to handle situations that involve sex, i was raped a lot, and sexually abused/assaulted as well. Now i learned what to look for, what is wrong and what is right. I was very vulnerble in those types of situations, i thought rape was sex, thought it was normal, so went along with it. Had horrrrible things done to me! I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't catch HIV or any kind of STD or got pregnant due to all of that. I still to this day have problems with being too obsessed with guys, and don't know why to tell u the truth! Thankfully, i have a bf that keeps me grounded and under control heh.
Well those kind of people are a product of jersey... Believe me, I know... Well, okay, I'm a guy, so I don't know firsthand, but it seems like there were some guys in certain crowds when I was in high school that always talked about the "crazy sex" they had last weekend. I just never knew if they were making it up or not...