So this has got me wondering for awhile now, with chelation, or biomeds and how after all of it, the child is "recovered". but what if autism is genetic, wouldnt that mean even though they recovered that child, what about that childs' children, what are they going to keep recovering, keep spending tons of dollars to recovery every child? If autism is already going to probably pass down, wouldnt you think they would find a way to help that autistic child become as high functioning as they rather then just deleting the whole autism? Just curious im not against biomeds or chelation, whatever anybody wants to do to help their children or themselves for that matter is fine by me, personally i wouldnt do it, but if anybody else, i dont have a problem with it.
Another thing I dont get it, is how are they ever going to find a cure for autism if it genetic, they would have to rewire the chromosomes and who knows other damage it might due to the baby doing that? If they find a way to detect autism in wombs, does anybody realize how many murders will happen? meaning when the brain develops in the womb, the heart is already there as well, meaning thats a life, meaning if you abort it, your killing off one of gods creatures. Now what about all those anti-abortionists, arent they going to go crazy?
What if they do find a cure for autism but only in babies, what about the adults, will things completely change, will ppl treat us even more discriminated, or more ret*d, will there will be any need for autism awareness at all, if its just adults on the earth?
I was always wondering all of that. I asked my autism specialist, if he thinks autism is genetic, and he says probably, after consulting with many doctors, but not totally sure. I honestly dont know, but i do know a lot of it passes down through family to family. So if one family does this, and the next has an autistic and doesnt have the money to do what the other family did, and then has no idea what to do, whats going to happen? Sorry this is probably going to make a huge controversy, but i was wondering what other ppl thought?
Being Normal Is Vastly Overrated