Yes. This has proven to be much more of a problem since I started college a couple years ago. I used to get exhausted from it all before, but I was generally smart enough that I could get good grades anyway, even without having the energy to do any studying or homework. Now classes are much harder and I'm in 500-seat lecture halls all day and it is really affecting my grades and my parents are pissed off at me because they think I'm just getting lazy now and if ever I try to explain to them why I'm having trouble they yell at me for making excuses and tell me that I just need to work harder and quit partying. I am exhausted all the time. The last thing I wanna do is party. I don't ever feel like doing ANYTHING. They just can't relate to me at all. My parents are like the two hardest working people in the world. My mom runs her own business and works from 8:30am to midnight 7 days a week, and my dad is a bank executive and wakes up at 6am everyday so he can commute 90 minutes to work, then gets home from work at 9:30pm. They just can't comprehend how I could only have 3 hours of class a day and then be too exhausted from all the stress to do homework and studying and chores, let alone enjoy some kind of social life. Most days when I get back from class, I just pass out for 6 or 7 hours of restless sleep and then wake up at 11pm when its dark and quiet and nobody is bugging me, and I can finally relax a little bit for the first time all day. Then I feel so peaceful late at night, I have a hard time falling back asleep before 5am or 6am, and I'm all strung out and exhausted the next day. Then I try to recharge by sleeping all through the weekend pretty much(15 hours a day), and by the time I really wake up, its time to go back to school and start the cycle all over again, and I feel like I never had any time to do anything. I only have one week of Spring Break off of school before the middle of June when I go on Summer Vacation, and I think I'm probably going to die before I make it that far. Not to mention that if I don't maintain a 3.7gpa til the end of the year, I'm gonna get thrown out of my Business degree program (ridiculously competitive at my uni) and any happiness in my life will cease to exist, as that is the one thing that I'm seriously interested in, if I could just get through these damn distribution req's. I'm just glad I didn't quite get into Harvard (got waitlisted), otherwise I would probably be killing myself by now. Not to mention I'm paying $25K a year to go to school, which is money my parents don't really have.
I really just want to go live in a cave for a couple months so I can relax for once.
Sorry about the rant.
There's just nothing quite like the anonymity of internet forums to help you vent things that you can't tell anyone about in real life or else they would yell at you and tell you to quit feeling sorry for yourself, because everyone else has to deal with the same things. But I just don't think that's true. Maybe I'm wrong, and I am just a bit of a pansy.
I guess that probably doesn't make you feel too great about your situation, so I apologize.