I scored a -9 on that happiness test but on your scale I would consider myself a 5. I prefer to remain in equinimaty. Though, I feel as if I'm usually in a good mood.
bheid wrote:
biggest load of crap i've ever seen.
kitsunetsuki wrote:
The problem with the test is that is scores what a usual person(NT maybe) who is happy has, the thing is that someone may be very happy and content in their life without say lots of social interaction etc.
quote from the scoring part "It questions whether you possess various demographic characteristics the research has found most typical of happy people -- but it barely estimates how happy you actually are"
I may guess and this is just my opinion , what make people on the spectrum happy may vary somewhat from the average person.... but that's just my opinion.
disclaimer, although I read the test I was too lazy to bother scoring it for myself, but I do consider myself to be a generally happier than average person even though I lack some of the "happiness assets"
Actually, there was hardly a reason for anyone to take this happiness quiz at all! For all practical purposes, this one question is all that's really important.
"How happy are you?" That is the ultimate question...