Yes, but we are one. I consider it a personality type, and after 61 years, that's it, I like it.
The hyper-socialization of childhood, under thirty, can be different, but I still fit in, somewhat.
Mid thirties on I did it my way.
The main differance I noticed was everyone else quit learning, they were, and I was still becoming, I still am. Everything I do did not exist five years ago. Just moving through time gathering the good stuff.
I see it as I have a normal brain, I understand others, I just do not agree with them about what is important, like lifetime learning, a constant new day, and do have to make allowances for their limits.
If you are reasonably functional, I think everyone looks bizarre, render unto the world a boring world view, and keep following your dreams. When I was your age Publishing filled a large building, took many people, now I do it in my bedroom, and turn out better than they could back then.
This new fangled Internet gives me a worldwide market, and I was early to use it.
"Me" and AS, are one, but I do have a common speach I use for the world. "They" are the different ones. It is a long standing problem, "Cast not your pearls before swine."
Better to see it as common human, and my secret Super Powers. I find it a natural advantage.
We get better with age, more accepted, as they shed the high school mentality, adn we continue to rise in ability. They seem to lose mobility early.
I also think theis AS was made up, look around, we all have something in common, but no two are the same, AS is not a thing, it is a range of normal human.
Enjoy it, there is no other choice!