A rare condition, head injuries also produce autistic symtoms, herpes is forever, most autistics do not have it.
Again, viral infection has been checked, it does not correlate with autism.
TV does.
Genitics do.
If TV was the cause, I would expect more, but it correlates very well with family history.
So you are looking for a cure in the 1/10% of atypical cases?
Head injury is more common.
So how does this relate to the 99.9% with no history of viral infection, or head injury?
What the article says is even in non-typical cases, the condition was not reversed in three years.
It is the same success rate we have with head injury, none, and with autism.
Even proving a causal agent, from any source, nothing reverses what has happened.
So what are you proposing that only strikes children under three in families with a history of autism?
A viral agent is not selective, it would spread in day care, playmates, and appear as clusters.
That does not happen.
Autism is an important part of the Human Genome, the most likely time for the mutation that caused it also coincides with the technological explosion that marks the Mesolithic, 35,000 years ago. As that group became the Europeans, and autism is predominatly European, it saturates the Genome.
It survived because it works, the benefits outweigh the problems.
You desire to cure Western Culture. Heart Disease, Diabites, Cancer, also run in families, and kill people. They still just live their lives and have children.
Autism does not kill, and produces some useful things for the population in general.
Autism is a childhood condition that lessens with age.
Autism cannot be cured, only accepted, and scarce resources should be used to improve the lives of autistic children. Some treatment works.
Nothing from the cure agenda works. Except as a scare tactic for raising money, pushing quack ideas, and trolling WP.
The horse is still dead.