bundens wrote:
I'm going to pursue a degree in computer science...I would like to get into computer engineering but may go with programming. I really want a music degree but since I'm funding it and all I thought it would be better to be practical.
Great idea! Comp Sci is a popular choice among people with Asperger's, and you could always minor in music anyway. And it's good to see you're thinking ahead to post-graduation and the potential job market. I did a BA in English Literature and Ancient History (2 of my 'special interests') and ended up almost unemployable

I'm at teacher's college now doing my graduate diploma in secondary teaching, hoping to get into special needs education. I'd be an aspie teaching aspies!
Anyways, nice to 'meet' ya. As
scumsuckingdouchebag (nice name bro

) said, read around the site and you'll see that lots of people from all walks of life live with Asperger's Syndrome. It doesn't have to be a burden if you know yourself and your particular needs and have a good support network. See ya around!