I've been trying to meet people ever since I moved to CT six months ago, with no success. I try online dating sites, I either never get a response or get a response, but nothing further happens. I try finding meetup groups or looking around to see what's going on, and realize I'm the only one there that's under 30. I can't go to bars because the noise makes it impossible for me to actually talk to anyone. Right now I feel completely burned out from trying, don't see any reason to think that anything I try will ever work out, but the loneliness is killing me. How do I get myself out of this? And where should I look when I do?
If you think it's bad that your kid has autism, google "Miller-Dieker Syndrome", "Trisomy 13", and "Tay-Sach's Disease". You'll never, EVER complain about autism again.