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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 May 2008, 8:32 pm


For some time now I've been thinking about one potential Aspie in Politics. I won't say who but this person is described as...hardly emotional. Now maybe that's not even true and it's a mask..but what if it is? This person would be a super-example of success beyond one's wildest dreams.

Can you think of any politician who COULD be on the spectrum? I'm not asking for names actually...not sure if that would be nice or ok...just curious if you think there could be some.

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07 May 2008, 10:20 pm

Australia had an Aspie politician - Tim Fischer, former Deputy Prime Minister. He left politics after his son was diagnosed with autism. On learning more, he realised he was Aspie. For example, he has a life long obsession with trains.



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07 May 2008, 10:24 pm

I don't see how a person on the spectrum could possibly manage with the social demands of politics. But I can think of a couple of Canadian politicians I'd use if I were ever to create a list of specious famous auties. :twisted:

Politicians run in my family, and I thought about going into politics for years, because one does, but I have a hard time managing simple phone calls, so how would I manage the rest? There's a limit to what an army of assistants can do. Especially when I'd have a hard time just finding the assistants. I figure I'm better off trying for political or economic theorist. The pen is mightier than the sword . . .


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07 May 2008, 10:48 pm

northern_light_girl wrote:

For some time now I've been thinking about one potential Aspie in Politics. I won't say who but this person is described as...hardly emotional. Now maybe that's not even true and it's a mask..but what if it is? This person would be a super-example of success beyond one's wildest dreams.

Can you think of any politician who COULD be on the spectrum? I'm not asking for names actually...not sure if that would be nice or ok...just curious if you think there could be some.

ME! I am into politic! :idea:


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07 May 2008, 11:05 pm

It's possible! I am living proof that certain aspects of AS can be overcome, so why would it be so unusual for an Aspie to overcome life's obstacles and run for office? I enjoy politics and someday when I get more skills and learn more about the jobs of the various elected offices, might try running myself.
Meanwhile, I enjoy working at the polls. I had a BLAST working at the polls for Indiana's primary Tuesday. The only bad thing was that we only had about 530 voters for the two precincts we served! :( :( We thought we'd have many more, but oh, well, 530ish voters is enough to keep the day interesting! :D


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08 May 2008, 9:56 am

Actually I'd want to be a politican and change society for the better, to make a better world. Idealistic, yes. Not heavily likely and I might be voted out for being "too extreme" (think Socialism with some Anarchist and Communist ideas), but I would be in Chicago so I'd be "cooler" and less under threat.

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!