something is?
Because I sure do. At work yesterday, a guest asked for an ice bucket and I look for an ice bucket but couldn't find one on any of the shelves so I beep my office clerk and ask her where are the ice buckets and she said to look in the storage closet but I told her I looked everywhere in there, I don't see any. Then she tells me to take one out of a room and tells me which one so I take it out of there and bring it to another room the guest asked for.
Then later in the day, another guest asks for an ice bucket and I tell the office clerk what room to take another ice bucket from and she says she has one and she'll show me, so I come back down to the housekeeping office and I see her with a ice bucket and I ask her where did she get it and she said in the closet and I said "where?" and she said in the closet. I go in there again and start looking and she says "No, in the corner in the box." I turn around and look in the corner where the door is and to the right is boxes stacked up and I look inside and see there are brand new ice buckets in them.
If she would have told me "In the closet to the left in the top box. There are some in there," I would have found them. Telling me "In the closet" doesn't do me anything because I don't know where to look so I will look what I can see and the boxes weren't labeled anyway except for the ones on the shelf.
If I am looking for something at home and I ask my boyfriend where is(insert object here) and he says in the kitchen, he has to tell me where in the kitchen. If the object is on the counter, I will find it but if it's in the drawer or whatever, he has to tell me where.
This must not be an NT thing because at work when I told the office clerk I need specific directions where something is, she told me she isn't babysitting me and that hurt. As if she expects me to know where something is at without having to be told specifically. Of course she apologized later when I was going to lunch and I said "okay."
I don't know what made her apologize but I'd love to know but I was too afraid to ask.