Your Aspie score: 155 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 58 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
I'd say I am definitely an Aspie. I noticed mainly a couple of Aspie traits I had which I never understood when I thought I was an NT. 1) I never used body language. I just figured that people would listen to the words I was saying and would thus understand what I was talking about. If someone was talking I always just looked them directly in the face or wouldn't look at them at all. Now I realize that is incredibly weird. Once I started looking at body language, I was surprised how much people use hand gestures and such. It makes me paranoid. How much are they really conveying with all that gesturing and hand symbols? 2)I would get ultra focused on what I was doing if I was actually interested in it. If I was playing a videogame, or listening to a song even and someone would interrupt me, I'd fly off the handle. 3)I had a lot of friends, but I never really socialized normally. Often I'd talk about the same topics over and over again from every facet and in detail. 4)I only understood things if they were broken up into every single component part. Higher maths, like algebra are impossible to figure out because there are so many different rules operating at once. 5)My thoughts were a literal monologue. I don't know if this is normal or not, but it is on the quiz. I'd have a running stream of thought going all the time. There are many more, but these are just the ones that come to mind immediately.