MissConstrue wrote:
Mikomi wrote:
I think there are people, regardless of race, that we can be ashamed of as human beings. To be ashamed of oneself because of race serves no purpose or point. I am prejudiced against no one. There are some wonderful people in this world of every race. I don't mean to sound all tree-hugging, peace-loving and all that, but it's true. To be ashamed of an entire race because of the behaviors of a few is sad.
Well put. I don't think it's so much about race as it is a cultural thing. It's sad that the white men took land from the Indians but I wouldn't blame the race itself but how they were governed. There are many whites that view this as a terrible thing as there are those who are ignorant. And to be fair, some of the Indian tribes did some bad things too to the white people. This was just an example.
You're right about that! I'm white, and certainly not ashamed of my race. I DO hate the stupid liberals that want to claim whites are all like spoiled brats that simply enslave others, etc... and try to keep whites down to raise others up. Not all whites enslaved blacks. I doubt any of my family ever did. And whites HAVE been enslaved by other whites. Blacks have been enslaved by other blacks. Indians have been enslaved by other indians. Obviously, some asians have been enslaved by other asians.
And to the jewish people that want to dispute what I say, and get up on their high horse? To THEM I say READ THE TORAH, and see how your OWN heritage allows for slavery, etc... They could point to the times when it says jews were enslaved, but don't ignore the parts that say it is ok for jews to have slaves. HECK, it says the arab race, and the first arab hostility, was created by abraham's relations with a slave.
As for wars? Whites have attacked one another as much as anyone else. The western ones tend to now live MOSTLY in peace though. Of course, Indians, Asians, Blacks have ALSO attacked one another.