I agree that that was a TERRIBLE thing to say, and not true at all. It sounds like they don't understand your condition at all.
Danielismyname wrote:
That's not a nice thing to say, no matter how it's said (lighthearted or serious).
Sure, people with an ASD aren't exactly the most empathetic people in the world, nor do we show much overt emotion to people (I'm speaking really generally here); Asperger's and autism doesn't denote a lack of care and compassion. Just because one doesn't show it in a "social way" doesn't mean we don't feel it and care.
I'll feel nothing for a dying child that I'm not emotionally connected to, but if it's an emergency situation, I'll do my best to save the life of that child. I'll help and comfort those who need helping and comfort for I'm a...human like the rest of humanity, I may not feel anything other than sadness for the stupidity of life, the pointlessness of it all, and why people must suffer, but I'll never think less of people because they cannot help or comfort themselves.
I relate to/agree totally with all this.
Also, like some others have mentioned, I laugh inappropriately. I've had my mom say things like "that's not funny", and I'll ask her "why do you think I think it's funny, I don't think it's funny". I'm not 100% sure what causes that. Maybe I'm nervous or overloaded or something and it comes out as laughter? I'm not sure.
My mom's been quick to point out to people that I always come through fantastically in an emergency/hard situation.