I'm 28, and my mother just freaked out about this yesterday evening. On weekdays I work from morning till afternoon, then I got home, sit in my room, listening to music, watching movies. On weekends, I do the same all day long and I don't go anywhere. I have a few friends, but don't really talk to them or meet them, but they got used to it.
Yesterday my mother told me that it's like I don't live with them, cause I don't talk to her or my father (that is actually not true, I of course talk to them, but maybe not as much as she'd like to). Also, she doesn't like that I don't do anything social, that I 'isolate too much'. She doesn't understand my need of solitude. Which is actually funny, because she lives with my father for more than 30 years, and he's more aspie-like than me... (we're not diagnosed).
The story of my life is about back entrances, side doors, secret elevators and other ways of getting in and out of places so that people won't bother me. (GG)