vetivert wrote:
Neuroman wrote:
Same obsession....
yay! another person who can infuriate people without making an effort! woo hoo!
'ere, neuroman - do you end up having hysterics over something nobody else can fathom out, too? you know, where you are in fits of laughter for ages, and everyone around you is just looking at you, while you try to explain, but can't stop carrying on the joke?
aye, that I do. methinks it 'as an official name, ar e'en a diagnosis. I've been known to drive folk crazy with singin as well. Arter all, if a man canna sing 'is favrit song fifty times in a row, wot's th use?
fer me, it's tongue twistin puns like Nick nicked nine noodles.
Nick nuked nine nicked noodles
Nick nuked nine nicked nasty noodles
Nick never nicked nine noodles and Nick never nuked nine noodles!
Nick never nicked no nasty nine noodles.
Nick never nuked no nine nasty nicked noodles!
Nick nicked ninety nine noodles!
Now, if Nick nicked ninety nine noodles but only nuked nine nasty noodles, who knows who nuked the ninety noodles?
shadow knows, bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!)
Neuroman knows no one will know the knack of this narrative...
Raised by Wolves
if you are going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill