I'd say social communication problems. Doing nearly anything (including survival) requires some interfacing with humans, and if I slip up for a second, or am tired, or having an off day, things go 'haywire' very quickly. I don't know if my un-compensated presentation is worse than average, but without a lot of energy input, people almost inevitably get ticked off or offended, or g-d knows what. And people can be shockingly vicious in their reactions; I might critically need something and get stonewalled, or will be accused of something false or who knows what. Feels like walking in a minefield, and being asked to smile (& juggle) while doing it.
(Ugh, ok, I'm having a bad day -- I don't always find it that difficult, but it's a regularly recurring theme.)
Aspie Quiz: 160/43
Alien Quiz: √2/pi