The most simple observation we as sufferers of AS can make is that, well, it's hard to fit in. It's very hard to make friends with this disease, you know, make connections or bonds with others. One solution I have often found worked is by sharing something with someone. A common bond, something you can do together and not have to be picky with who you're doing it with.
Now, drugs, if you do them, you aren't too worried who you do them with as long as they're not a cop, or some sort of hardcore gangbanger who's going to shoot you if you say something wrong. People who do drugs look for people, ultimately to use to abuse with, if anyone understands that. A junkie looks for someone who they can USE and help them, enable them to ABUSE. While at the same time, when their stash runs low, then the real sort-of usury begins. Like usury, lending at an exorbitant rate of interest, drug users think, "Well, if I share with him, he'll certainly share with me." And the cycle begins. It is very simple really. Drug users aren't that worried who they hang out with as long as they get high.
So who is the real loser here, the one using, or the one being used? The case could be made for either side, but I tend to think we as a whole are the real losers. Imagine, having to sink to that level to gain one crummy friend, who could never really give a rats ass about us, but their own selfish ambitions. It is a sorry life but at the same time, it is a sorry way to make friends, and unfortunately, for some of us, the only way.
No matter what clique we're apart of, SP, Christian, hippie, intellectual, coffee shop-type, they all follow the Golden Rule of Socializing: 'If he isn't like us, he's not one of us'. But we are not all alike. In theory the rule should be, "Treat others as you would have YOURSELF be treated," but in practice, it's the other way around. If the benefits are outweighed by the risk of what people will think, other's interpretation of the situation, or just your own selfish ambition, then you probably won't make a good match of friends.
Though the mainstream blatantly and openly rejects us, I'm sure there are good people in the world and a venue for everyone to speak their beliefs, no matter how outrageous.