Me thinks I will go in to get Diagnosed finely.
My Ex is saying she should be primary caretaker of our child because she has Aspergers diagnosed and our child may be autistic,
heh, the courts seemed to agree with her,
my turn.
You know I just had an epiphany,
I always felt I was tons more emotional then my Ex,
she always seemed soooo cold to me,
perhaps its because I couldn't read her vary well, only knowing how and what I felt.
just because I can feel and am at times vary emotional does not mean I can read how others feel vary well.
and her being the same as I compounded the issue of being able to read each other,
perhaps I seemed a bit cold to her as well but did not realise it.
but,,, if she keeps going as she is trying to strip our child from me,
she will learn what true coldness of ones heart and soul really is.
Last edited by aspergian_mutant on 03 Mar 2008, 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.