Are there any on line Aspergers Tests?

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01 Mar 2008, 8:17 pm

Are there any on line Aspergers tests?
can you link me to them if there are?
how did you do on them?
what ones seem the most accurate?
when going in for a diagnosis,
what questions do they ask and what do they look for?
what do they have you do?

Last edited by aspergian_mutant on 01 Mar 2008, 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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01 Mar 2008, 8:21 pm

There is an Aspie Quiz on here.

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01 Mar 2008, 9:05 pm

wheres the test, I do not see it.


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01 Mar 2008, 9:45 pm

Google "Aspie quiz" (without the quotes). It's the first link.


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01 Mar 2008, 10:02 pm

AQ test

The "official" screening one. 26 or so is the PDD cutoff point in the institutions that use it, i.e., if you score higher than that and you think you have a PDD that's affecting your life, it's worthwhile to pursue a professional opinion.

This is the one that first put the thought of autism in my mind; I had no idea why I took the test way back then in reality. I usually get in the low forties.


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01 Mar 2008, 10:28 pm

I have a small list of autism (and related) quizzes on Gestalt:

My Science blog, Science Over a Cuppa -

My partner's autism science blog, Cortical Chauvinism -

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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01 Mar 2008, 10:41 pm

Danielismyname wrote:
AQ test

The "official" screening one. 26 or so is the PDD cutoff point in the institutions that use it, i.e., if you score higher than that and you think you have a PDD that's affecting your life, it's worthwhile to pursue a professional opinion.

This is the one that first put the thought of autism in my mind; I had no idea why I took the test way back then in reality. I usually get in the low forties.

I just took that test and scored 37 on it. If there is anything in these tests that would seem to confirm my self-diagnosis.


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01 Mar 2008, 11:54 pm

Diagnostic prediction for Score---------------Prediction
Asperger/HFA/PDD-------------------- 179 You very likely will be able to receive the diagnosis
Bipoler--------------------------------- 130 This isn't a primary diagnosis you should seek
Dyslexia ------------------------------- 128 This isn't a primary diagnosis you should seek
OCD ------------------------------------ 125 This isn't a primary diagnosis you should seek
Social phobia--------------------------- 120 This isn't a primary diagnosis you should seek
ADD/ADHD------------------------------ 115 This isn't a primary diagnosis you should seek
they want me to choose what the eyes seem to me and most of them just dont fit the selections
but I will try anyways.
on some I didnt know what to put so I just selected one. my score was
Your score: 20
A score under 22 indicates you find this quite difficult.
--------------------------------------------- ... tient.aspx
Your score: 35
0 - 10 = low
11 - 22 = average (most women score about 15 and most men score about 17)
23 - 31 = above average
32 - 50 = is very high (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 35) 50 is maximum
=========================== ... tient.aspx
Your score: 11
0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20)
33 - 52 = average (most women score about 47 and most men score about 42)
53 - 63 is above average
64 - 80 is very high
80 is maximum
=========================== ... tient.aspx
Your score: 53
0 - 19 = low
20 - 39 = average (most women score about 24 and most men score about 30)
40 - 50 = above average (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score in this range)
51 - 80 is very high (three times as many people with Asperger Syndrome score in this range, compared to typical men, and almost no women score in this range)
80 is maximum

Do you think if I went in and actualy got diagnosed I would make the Aspie grade?

Last edited by aspergian_mutant on 02 Mar 2008, 1:10 am, edited 2 times in total.


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02 Mar 2008, 1:01 am

Me thinks I will go in to get Diagnosed finely.
My Ex is saying she should be primary caretaker of our child because she has Aspergers diagnosed and our child may be autistic,
heh, the courts seemed to agree with her,
my turn.
You know I just had an epiphany,
I always felt I was tons more emotional then my Ex,
she always seemed soooo cold to me,
perhaps its because I couldn't read her vary well, only knowing how and what I felt.
just because I can feel and am at times vary emotional does not mean I can read how others feel vary well.
and her being the same as I compounded the issue of being able to read each other,
perhaps I seemed a bit cold to her as well but did not realise it.
but,,, if she keeps going as she is trying to strip our child from me,
she will learn what true coldness of ones heart and soul really is.

Last edited by aspergian_mutant on 03 Mar 2008, 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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02 Mar 2008, 1:57 am

Empathy quotient

Your score: 18

0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20)


Systemizing quotient

Your score: 47

40 - 50 = above average (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score in this range)


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02 Mar 2008, 4:51 am

For eye thing= 7
for ASQ= 42