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25 Feb 2008, 3:55 pm

I can't be the only person on this forum currently seeing one... I hope 8O

My new one is called Emily. I actually like her, she doesn't talk down to me at all. She says that new research show people on the spectrum CAN do cognitive behaviour therapy and she will find me the research papers. I think this one may actually help with my problems :D

But yes - lighthearted thread. Tell me about your shrink -> GO!

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25 Feb 2008, 4:56 pm

After much frustration, I found a psychologist who is willing to work with me. All my other therapists were either Social Workers, or mere family counselors, who hadn't a clue about AS. And therefore wasted my time and theirs. This woman is very knowledgeable about AS, and has been a great help to me. Since I've only been diagnosed for two years, we work on healing from past trauma, and developing coping skills, as well as learning to socialize appropriately. I am so glad to have found her!

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25 Feb 2008, 5:13 pm

Mines an autism specialist/therapist. Hes real cool, he works with kids and adults, with all types of autism. I only go to guys, I absolutely hhhhattte woman doctors sooo much. Anyways, hes very helpful with alot, i get to see him every two weeks, i'm excited to see him this wedsnday because hes setting up this huge mood chart for me, where theres all these different faces with different types of moods, which will help me a ton!

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25 Feb 2008, 5:26 pm

sarahstilettos wrote:
I actually like her, she doesn't talk down to me at all. She says that new research show people on the spectrum CAN do cognitive behaviour therapy and she will find me the research papers. I think this one may actually help with my problems :D

FYI: Personally I'm not big on CBT, but nonetheless I bought & read this new book: Valerie Gaus's "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults with Asperger's Syndrome". If you can find it out somewhere, it might be educational or of interest.
sarahstilletos wrote:
But yes - lighthearted thread. Tell me about your shrink -> GO!

Had a shrink for awile, but he left the clinic & the new shrink has personality & manner that utterly rub me wrong way, so I don't see him. So I just see (every week) my counselors/therapists/social workers, and they are sufficient. I did need the shrink (the former one, the nice one) to get to know me well enough to diagnose me & later write letter to help my claim for disability benefits. I don't draw major distinction between professionals depending on their licensure (title, degrees), it's more about how the specific person & I relate/interact/converse that matters. The shrink visits tended to be priority for those who were on meds. & thus appts. ususally were for 15-30 mins. rather than the hour and a half meetings I get with members of my non-shrink support team.

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25 Feb 2008, 5:30 pm

My son's psychologist is great! Altho seems reluctant to 'label' Damo he is really good. He can get to his level and Damo will actually answer his questions. But I kinda need that 'label' so he gets help at school which he really needs.


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25 Feb 2008, 5:35 pm

My psychologist is very pleasant. She was the one who suggested I show serious signs of Asperger's (funny story; that all happened after I registered on this forum to learn about AS from an NT perspective). To be honest, at time she seems a little "out there," but overall she is very nice and knowlegeable.

Aside from tourettes, she says that I show signs of Asperger's (though personally I don't think I have it, though I admit I have many of the traits) and Generized Anxiety Disorder, which is a no-brainer. However, she is hesitant to "label" so she has no intention of officially diagnosing me, which I am thankful for.

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25 Feb 2008, 5:47 pm

i dont see a shrink but i used to when i was about 13 yrs old and i must say it didnt help in the slightest, and yh she seemed to talk down to mee,
oh well


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25 Feb 2008, 5:53 pm

Your on first name terms!? Mine is Dr **, female, willowy and just a little too sexy...

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25 Feb 2008, 6:14 pm

I see my psychiatrist for an hour every three months. He is a good guy. I mostly share with him my evolving narrative:

and we discuss it as he reads through the changes. Sometimes I call him Jim. Other times, I call him Dr. .... It depends on my mood.

My father, also an aspie (and 88 years old), sees his psychiatrist every few months, too.

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25 Feb 2008, 6:33 pm

My son goes to a psychiatrist for "medical maintentance" for his anti-anxiety drug. He's a great guy who understands AS well. He talks about concrete strategies with my son to get past specific social problems. They call it "playing the game." His name is Peter Fink, if anybody in the Chicago area is looking for someone.


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25 Feb 2008, 6:36 pm

I see Dr Rous at the hospital. I really like talking to her as she talks to me as a human being and not as a mental patient.

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25 Feb 2008, 6:42 pm

I go to a psychologist who diagnosed my son AS. Since all this crap with his dad I started seeing him as well. He's good. At first he was like "you don't need a label, you just need to find out about and love the wonderfully unique person that you are". Now, he finds me stuff about AS and brings it to me. He gets it now. He's learning alot about how the AS brain operates. I'm still not sure if he's actually diagnosed me, and I wish he would, but we seem to be maintaining right now and my meltdowns seem to be mostly back under control. So, I'm not going to argue much right now. I wish someone could explain to the court why I'm the way I am. I'm not trying to be obstinate and uncooperative, I just get to a point where I can't deal and then I shut down and look uncooperative.

I don't know how to ask the psychologist to do that for me. I subpeoned him to talk for my son and he said I could have just asked him. But I didn't know how. I don't know how to do any of that stuff.

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25 Feb 2008, 6:47 pm

I think my psychiatrist was something of a quack...he really didn't diagnose me with anything when I told him of the problems in my life, prescribed me medicine, and when I told him it didn't seem to help, he just increased the dosage. I eventually stopped taking my medicine and seeing him, since I feel that my problems are purely external, with the world and with my family, rather than myself.


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25 Feb 2008, 6:53 pm

Mine greatly misunderstands me and acts like everyone has to see the world through his eyes. I swear, he's trying to get me not to care about people or something, because he tells me to "reset my boundaries" when I tell him how much I love my friends and such.


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25 Feb 2008, 7:35 pm

...I'm inclined to semi-hate shrinks , they f*c*d me over .
Plus , I'm at an economic/social lvel that shrinks might tend to " order me about " nmore...
However , I was officially DX'd by one , so...

25 Feb 2008, 8:12 pm

My shrink's name is Cameron. She will be going away in June for a year so I will be replaced with a new one which sucks.

She helped me get over the fact about am I NT or not and fretting over it and feeling like I'm living a lie because I was doubting my diagnoses. She went through my history with my mother and diagnosed me with AS too. I haven't seen her in two months though because I had been doing so good, not upset about anything. I write stuff down in my notebook I want to talk about so I'd remember it. Especially questions I have about society or about why do people do this, do that, etc.

She is also a autism specialist and she has diagnosed kids with it too, I dunno about grown ups.